intex has announced that it will be bringing a smartphone to the Indian market powered by MediaTek’s new true octa-core chip soon. The chipset,, is said to come with eight cores, all possibly ticking at the same time, depending on the use case. The MT6592 chipsets promises better performance in terms of gaming, as well as other functions like surfing, better video playback as well as better battery performance. The new device, according to the Intex, is set to be launched globally later this week and will be the first of its kind to hit India.
Apart from the new processor clocked at 1.5GHz, will come with a 6-inch HD IPS LCD screen, which could be a full HD panel. The handset will also sports a Mali 450 GPU. The device, along with 2GB of RAM, will come with 16GB and 32GB internal memory variants. Although the company is yet to announce the name of the new smartphone, it has said the phone will run on Android 4.2.2 out-of-the-box.
Apart from the new processor clocked at 1.5GHz, will come with a 6-inch HD IPS LCD screen, which could be a full HD panel. The handset will also sports a Mali 450 GPU. The device, along with 2GB of RAM, will come with 16GB and 32GB internal memory variants. Although the company is yet to announce the name of the new smartphone, it has said the phone will run on Android 4.2.2 out-of-the-box.
Sporting an all metal finish with an exchangeable battery design, measures in at 7mm in thickness and a frame width of 2.6mm. On the audio front, the handset will comes with dual Yamaha 1420 speakers sporting an output of 1.2W. Details about the exact pricing of the new handset have still not been revealed. There's a 13-megapixel rear camera packed with a BSI sensor and auto focus on the back. Also featured is a 5-megapixel front shooter, which is becoming the standard on smartphones by Indian manufacturers. You'll find other regular mentions like A-GPS, Wi-Fi, FM radio and Bluetooth. There is no word yet on the battery of the phone.
Here’s a quick look at the specifications of the new Intex smartphone:
Here’s a quick look at the specifications of the new Intex smartphone:
- 6-inch HD IPS LCD screen
- GPS, Wi-Fi, FM radio, Bluetooth
- 13-megapixel rear camera with BSI/AF; 5-megapixel front shooter
- 16GB and 32GB internal memory variants